



Peer review process for manuscripts of scientific papers received for publication in the journal


Prior to peer review, manuscripts undergo a preliminary review and selection by the Chief Editor or the Deputy Editor. After that, all manuscripts are passed to members of Scientific Editorial Board or are sent to the most famous and skilled experts in appropriate area in order to make a final decision. If the submitted manuscript is arguable or controversial, it is sent to another reviewer by a decision of the majority of Editorial Board.

All materials submitted to editorial office, which correspond to main headings of the journal, are subjected to peer review for the purpose of expert assessment. The Editor selects a reviewer who is a respected expert in the subject of a peer-reviewed paper and has his own publications regarding this subject for the past three years. Reviews are stored in the editorial office for at least 5 years. A copy of a review is directed to the author without the indication of the reviewer’s name.

A peer review contains an article heading and a comment on the subject of correspondence of the article contents to main headings of the journal. Manuscript relevance, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance are evaluated. A reviewer has right to agree or disagree with main theses of the paper. A peer review indicates the possibility of submitted manuscript being published in the journal “Industrial Services” and comprises some comments aimed to help create a better manuscript. The duration of initial assessment and a peer review of the manuscript is not more than 30 days.

Direction of a manuscript for reviewing, correspondence with authors and reviewers and review process monitoring are carried out by the Deputy Chief Editor and the Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board.

The editorial staff is obliged to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in case of the relevant request.


The Principles of Materials Presentation for Publication in the Journal

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The materials for publication are to be presented as a file in Microsoft Word for Windows format;
The materials for publication must contain abstract and keywords.
The manuscript must contain names and surnames of all authors, the full name of organization, e-mail, address (with index), and telephone number.

The text of an article

The total number of pages in the manuscript shouldn’t be more than 14, including figures and tables.
It is recommended to use 12 text size, sesquialateral interline spacing.
When using units of measurement, one should follow International System of Units (SI), for example, pressure — in MPa, density — in kg/m 3, etc.
References to the literature are to be listed in the text in square brackets, for example, [1, 2], [4–6].
Data duplication in text, figures and tables is not acceptable.


Figures are to be black-white, apart from photos. Graphics, diagrams, flow sheets are recommended to be presented in TIFF, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Visio formats.
Figures must be readable and made on white background.
Each figure must contain legend text.
Axes of diagrams are to have unabridged captions.
Elements of sheets, drawings, etc. must have captions or legends.


Tables are recommended to be presented in Microsoft Word or Excel formats.
Each table line must be executed like exactly as separate line. Splitting of rows and columns of the table using space mark and Enter is not allowed.


Simple equations are recommended to be done in Microsoft Word, more complicated – in Microsoft Equation Editor or in any other similar editors.
All parameters of the equation must be determined. The determination is presented only once, when the parameter is found for the first time.
Presentation of equations as figures is not acceptable.

Articles are published in accordance with their receipt in the editorial.



